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LinkedIn Profile Tips Pt. 1

By August 28, 2014Uncategorized

Early this year I presented information on how to write a LinkedIn Profile for a HR manager that needed some help. Here was the findings that may help you. Let me know if you have any questions.


LinkedIn Protocol
Do not overlook the power and influence of LinkedIn. The information you provide can provide an obtrusive way into the employees we hire and what you have done and are doing here as an employee of National Tax Search.

Picture should be clear and professional (if you have a headshot even better), not a selfie or something along those lines, nothing in a casual setting or including family. Remember your photo area can be a double-edge sword. Your photo is a representation of yourself and National Tax Search.

Talking about what you do-Headline
When describing yourself and what you do be aware of keywords that can optimized for SEO. Add multiple titles including ones connected to your skill set.

Vanity URL
Choose a vanity URL makes it easier to find anyone to locate your profile. To set this up, click the Edit Profile in the Profile drop down menu. Keep it Professional. Under your name and information, the Public listing will show your current public profile URL.

Web Preferences

Here you can a personal website, professional Twitter account, or links to you elsewhere on the web. Email address should be professional (even if it’s a Hotmail account). Please make sure it has your name in it.

Email address
Have one professional email address associated with your LinkedIn Profile.

Highlight your background with key skills or skill sets. This area may be used for a brief bio-make sure to keep it in short paragraph form and not lengthy.

Work Experience
Every position you have held within the past ten years should be included in your profile. Official job title, job duties and accomplishments-should not be a replica of your resume; include WOW factors from each job. People want to know the context of your duties and your overall influence.


Let me know if you have anything to add.

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