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Goals for 2013

By January 15, 2013Marketing Blog
 Posting these goals so I know that they are real
  1. Find a Job-the most of all-I’ll make it happen-hopefully very soon.
  2. Blog twice weekly-personal and PR/Marketing related…
  3. Learn InDesign-Adobe Creative Cloud and will make this very easy
  4. Network to find job in PR/Mktg/Internal Communications/Tech Startup Firm-Hey Informational Interviews
  5. Work on DuoLingo to learn Spanish-the hardiest item to keep on task
  6. Learn HTML5-The Holy Grail of projects for a kid who loves social media
  7. Work on Luminosity twice weekly- keep the brain working!
  8. I think it’s time to stop making more goals or I may go crazy!!!

Any big goals you are worried about accomplishing?

Let me know your feelings on creating goals

Yours in blogging,

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