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48 days…the start of my jobhunt process

By December 31, 2012JobHunt Lifestyle

This book moved was the kick in the butt I needed for my job search!

At the end of October 2012, I started Reading 48 days to the Work You Love, it was recommended by a friend who knew I was having trouble figuring out what I wanted in life. After a losing my first job out of college a year ago it was if I was never the same. I question my capabilities, what I wanted, and really who I was.

This was a brilliant book by Dan Miller that asked the hard hitting questions and searched for the best answers. It also prepared me for the future job search and gave me a great stepping stone to where I am today. I believe without this book I still would be completely lost without a clue of where to go and probably delaying what I needed to do. Find job, utilize my current skills in design and project management, and hopefully develop more in a Marketing or PR firm, or a tech startup. It definitely helped me better articulated who I am and where I want to go (Elevator Speech).

This definitely was that much needed realization that would put in a more focus of who I am and what I want. I can’t just sit around and hope that it will happen to me. I have to make it happen, I am the holder of my destiny, whatever I want I will have to work for it and make it happen.

Thanks for reading

The Nerd

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