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Networking and the Informational Interview process

By February 3, 2013Uncategorized


In a digital age we do not necessarily have to do constant meet and greets at events spending money (Example in the picture above). By reaching out to your current network and/or cold emailing people who you admired, are inspired by, or generally just want to know you can expand your network and learn valuable lessons.

By asking any one of these types of people for an information interviews you can learn about their journey, their career moves, and most importantly, advice on how to improve your job search.

You can do these interviews over the phone, email, or even Skype.

I’ve learn tips on books to read, blogs to view, people to reach out to, job hunt tips, clubs to look at, skills to learn and possible job opportunities.

What do you think could improve the informational interview model?

Let me know and thanks for reading!



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