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Are you in need of marketing consultation??

  • A complete marketing strategy?

    Anthony Zepeda will work with your team to craft an integrated marketing plan combining needed services to tighten brand identity, increase sales, educate team on new techniques to enhance your overall marketing scope.

  • Demand Generation/Lead Nurturing

    Keep your products on the top of your leads’ minds

    Thorough, well-crafted emails that will nurture your leads

  • SEO ServicesManagement of social media platforms for optimal SEO impact.
  • Measurement/Attribution
    Campaign measurement, event reporting
    Marketing Attribution to Sales Pipeline.

Contact Me
Click here to get in contact with me or <a ” title=”Email Me” href=””>Email.

Please connect with me if you need the following services:

CLICK on + to expand boxes.

Marketing Services

Services Include:

  • Marketing audits
  • Market Research
  • Strategy, Planning, and Implementation
  • Design Services
  • Content Marketing
  • Digital Advertising – Search and Social

I work with clients to get their articles published with publications in target markets. To learn more, please inquire here.

Email Marketing Services

Services Include:

  • Email Set-up Services
  • Email Creation through MailChimp, Salesforce Marketing Cloud(ExactTarget), and HubSpot.
    • Template Development

For more info please inquire here.

Social Media Services
I assist clients with integrating their stories and assets into their daily social media feeds.

Services Include:

  • Community management of social media pages-LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook.
  • Implementation of logo’s and banners
  • Social Media Audit

Also, see Social Media Services page for more information.

Content Writing

I work with clients to find their stories within their day-to-day company lives.

Services Include:

***Also, offer assistance in lead nurturing. Please inquire here.***


Who I’ve worked with

Label InsightL2 Real Estate Services
National Real Tax Tracking Property_Tax_Software_-_AppealTrack