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Diving into a Company LinkedIn Page

By April 15, 2015August 18th, 2015Marketing Blog

Navigating the B2B Social Landscape

Thinking about extending your reach on social media? For a client?

It’s not that difficult.

Your sales executive or team should give you insight on what platform their audience of leads are typically on. I’ve found LinkedIn to be the most important in many B2B industries.

Do not move forward unless you answer this question.
What does your company want to get out of LinkedIn? 

A must answer question: What does your company want to get out of LinkedIn? Anthony Zepeda
This is a very large question I know. It can be super vague or have many meanings. Please keep in mind that you have to answer this question before you go any further. It’s not just about posting tons of social media in hopes of trying to gain followers or build SEO. You need to know the “Why” before you start.

My advice? Be the expert.
To showcase your company as the “Go-to in the industry”. Remember, you want the reader that you have great products, but that you have great thought leadership as well. Linking to pertinent info will go a long way. See farther down for great suggestions.

What you’ll need:
Logos/Image Sizes
Company DescriptionWhat do you want to post?

Tips on what to post?
Relatable articles are great, but organic pieces will resonate more with your clients.

Such as:
Articles by employees on different publications

In the next post, I will go into how to create a Company LinkedIn Page.
Stay tuned!


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