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LinkedIn Profile Tips Pt. 2

By August 5, 2014Uncategorized

Early this year I presented information on how to write a LinkedIn Profile for a HR manager that needed some help. Here is the 2nd part of the findings that I hope may may help you. Let me know if you have any questions.

Embed Media
Add media to your profile to make it like an online portfolio.

Skills and Endorsements
List skills are the most important to your profession or dream profession that you want to headline.

Include all college/universities attended. List concentration, major and/or minor; if you are a recent grad include club committees and groups you were active in.

Helpful for recent graduates.

You can reference class projects, special work assignments and side gigs.

Ask colleagues, managers or even clients who know your work to recommend. Rules of thumb wait about 6 to 12 months to ask for a recommendation from your manager.

Honors & Awards

To be determined

Provide details about your involvement in professional associations and the organizations you belong or committees serve on. Also, here is a great place to talk about the volunteer work you do and causes you support. Use discretion when choosing political or religious affiliations.

Personal Details
Optional, you may choose to include birthday and marital status to your profile.

Status Update
More research needed to properly discuss this topic.

Join college alumni groups, professional associations, and industry related groups.

How Complete is complete?
Please don’t overlook details which may help set you apart as: Languages, Honors/Awards, Patents, Courses, Test Scores, Certifications, Volunteering & Causes, Organizations and Interests.

Public vs. Private
By default, LinkedIn sets your profile to be viewable to the public. For active job seekers this is the best option. But you do have choice on your settings.

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